Pleomorphism rests on the idea that every warm-blooded organism houses a primal plant germ, which can change in form through environmental influences. Allopathic medicine rests on monomorphism which assigns only a single form and function to microorganisms and does not recognize cyclic developmental changes. Thus pleomorphists believe in the fundamental mutability of form in microorganisms and that microorganisms can abruptly change from an avirulent benign form into a potentially virulent, i.e. pathogenic, form.
The concepts of pleomorphism and symbiosis are in the current perspective inseparable from the name of the great researcher and microbiologist, Professor Dr. Günther Enderlein (1872–1968).
The basis for his work was the book by the French researcher A. Béchamp, titled “Microzymas”. It described that a microorganism can, under precisely determined preconditions, occur in diverse developmental stages and, especially also in diversified forms, without the loss of its specific characteristics. The microorganism may vary from the smallest rungs of electron microscopic magnitude up to the large, multinucleic and highly developed stages, such as of bacteria and fungi.
Moreover, Béchamp was able to prove that all animal and plant cells contain tiny particles which continue to live after the death of the organism and out of which microorganisms can develop. In this book, Béchamp laid the foundation for the concept of pleomorphism. The view that microorganisms can undergo a considerable variation in form, without losing their specific functions, stood and continues to stand diametrically opposed to the prevailing opinion of monomorphism, which admits only a single form and function to an organism. Naturally, that opinion has also resulted in a monomorphistic view of every disease process. Thus, in contrast to the opinion of Pasteur, that microorganisms simply exist without any developmental changes, Enderlein through intensive research came to the conclusion that the monomorphistic perspective of disease processes can no longer be maintained and had to be given up in favor of a pleomorphic perspective. He proved that every organism houses a primal plant germ in erythrocytes, which can very well become subject of a variation in form through exogenic influences.
The opinion represented by pleomorphic bacteriologists of the fundamental changeability of forms holds the possibility for microorganisms to abruptly change from originally avirulent into potentially virulent conditions.
Enderlein devoted the bulk of his scientific work which stretched for more than 40 years, to the complex question of pleomorphism, symbiosis and cyclogeny of microorganisms. He published over 500 scientific articles. His chief work was titled Bacteria Cyclogeny, Berlin, 1925. (It is currently published by Semmelweis Verlag, Hoya, in the German language, soon to be published in English.) In this book he described in detail the changes and development of the parasite in its variable forms and its cycle.
This research was initiated by Enderlein in the year 1916, while he was working on typhoid. In blood using a darkfield microscope he observed mobile, tiniest living forms, named Spermits, which copulated with higher organized structures, whereafter the product of the copulation became suddenly invisible. Enderlein interpreted this as sexual processes, whereby tiniest, final products occurred, which are not visible to the eye of the light microscope. He named the symbiotic, primal plant germ in the erythrocyte Endobiont. This Endobiont lives in genuine symbiosis with the host organism, that is, with mutual benefits. Through outer factors, the Endobiont can multiply and develop—a process which can considerably disturb the symbiotic equilibrium. A healthy organism is capable of restoring the equilibrium. In this process, the more highly developed pathogenic germs are broken down into avirulent primitive forms through the copulation described by Enderlein. They leave the body through the natural organs of elimination.
- January 09, 2017
- Elena M