Enderlein discovered in 1916 that primitive microorganic forms prepared in a remedy, when combined with change in the biological terrain of the body, can cause the virulent forms to return to their original avirulent condition bringing healing to the host body. He found that when the tiniest, mobile living forms of bacteria, which he called “Spermits,” exchanged genetic material with higher developmental organisms, the highly developed organisms became suddenly invisible, having been broken down to their primitive avirulent forms. Using this knowledge, he developed isopathic/homeopathic remedies from fungal cultures. When these living remedies contact virulent microbial masses, the masses are induced to return to their avirulent form, and then leave the body through the natural organs of elimination.
Enderlein developed Isopathic Therapy with its specific biological remedies for all nonspecific, general symptoms that pertain to the Endobiosis Complex, based on the knowledge of the mutability of forms and the fact of the biological, and essential for life symbiosis between the mammal organism and the Endobiont. This unique perspective, at that time, distinguishes Enderlein as a pioneer of a modern, ecological world-view and puts monomorphism, which is still being taught, in question.
In his Bacteria Cyclogeny, Enderlein describes the development of the two mold fungi species Aspergillus niger van Tieghem (SA 4-20) and Mucor racemosus Fresen (SA 4-11), beginning from the primitive phases as tiniest colloidal albuminoid particles, via the bacterial phase, up to the fungal stage.
Both fungal species, which are likely obtained transplacentally, can occur as Endobionts in all their developmental stages within mammal bodies. Although their occurrence may be more or less frequent, they are to be seen as the cause of numerous ailments. The tubercular and paratubercular diseases, caused by pathogenic Aspergillus stages, do not occur quite as frequently as the disease processes more frequently caused by pathogenic Mucor phases arising from the Mucor symbiosis. The presence of the Endobiont in mammal organisms has been termed Endobiosis by Enderlein since 1946. By this are meant the apathogenic, low valanced phases of the Mucor racemosus Fresen (SA 4-11) (Protits, Symprotits, Chondrits, Fibrin). Fibrin is the highest developmental form of the Chondrit, before the Endobiont changes from the primitive phase into the bacterial phase (analogously to Siphonospora polymorpha v. Brehmer). In these lower valences, the symbiont supports the metabolism of the host organism, thus strengthening the defense. The higher the Endobiont rises in its developmental series, the more it increases in toxicity. The upward development of the Endobiont via the Chondrit form and higher is the cause for the endobiontic diseases, up to the death of the host organism. In the course of this process, the Endobiont is most likely partaking in the development of tumors. In the stages of precancerosis, one finds higher valenced Endobionts in the blood. According to Devrient, the cancer problem cannot be solved without regard to blood parasitism and polymorphism of the microorganisms. For Enderlein, “cancer is for the host organism a fermentation and decomposition condition, forced upon it by a parasitic fungus and its developmental forms.”
Because the Endobiont devours protein greedily, its upward development and the Endobiosis or congestion resulting from it are especially co-created through improper nutrition. Among these diseases belong vascular changes, pathological coagulatory processes, geloses, rheumatism, arthritis, spondylosis, tonsillitis, lymphogranulomatosis, diabetes, gout, tumors of every type (even those that are benign and their prestages), anemia, leukemia, cerebral sclerosis and paralyses.
The restriction of protein intake causes the return to lower phases, which then leave the body via the organs of excretion.
In the application of isopathic preparations, the guiding rule is that an increase in the dosage may be undertaken only when the previous or identical dosages no longer bring effective action. Every overdose has an excessive production of toxic decomposition forms as its consequence. The task of the tissues in removing these decomposition products out of the body, namely through the skin, the intestine, the urinary passages and the bronchi—can, then, only be insufficiently or not at all fulfilled. In the case of massive disease foci, such a condition can occur even with greatest precaution, and it can bring the healing processes to a slower pace or even stop them. By repeated injection of detoxified active fungal antibodies (Anti-Chondritins), the elimination of each form of decomposition is accelerated and, thereby, the effectiveness of the isopathic preparation becomes enhanced. The darkfield examination of the blood reveals such “toxic” conditions, caused by the congestion of endobiontic decomposition products. At such times there is a fundamental need to look well to the effective functioning of the organs of elimination (stool, urine, sweat, sputum). Under circumstances, a detoxification therapy (enemas, baths, teas, electrolytes) may be required.
The decomposition products of the Endobiont that are eliminated on an ongoing basis without treatment under healthy conditions may, in patients, again adopt higher valences or higher developmental stages during their outward passage through the skin, intestine, urinary paths and bronchi. This way, especially in cancer cases, short rods frequently form in the intestines. Because they are shaped like coli bacteria, they are easily misinterpreted as degenerated coli bacteria. These forms are usually easily decomposed within 12 hours after administration of the relevant capsule form, which decompose them again into the Chondrit stage. These forms, which are also referred to as Paracoli, cause intense constipation and must be closely watched in cancer cases. For this reason, Isopathic Therapy plays an important role also in the treatment of obstipation and dysbacteria.
- January 09, 2017
- Elena M